(unpaid) #advertising
I received the products free of charge as part of my free ct played and will Show the product with my Taggis.
I received the products free of charge as part of my free ct played and will Show the product with my Taggis.
Ct tags for "Magical Moments
I used a PTU Scrapkit called"Patty's Beer"
Personal Use only
Patty'sBeer is a St.Patrick themed kit which contains 82 elements, 6 papers and an awesome png tube of ©Goldwasser.
You can purchaise it here
I used a PTU Scrapkit called"Patty's Beer"
Personal Use only
Patty'sBeer is a St.Patrick themed kit which contains 82 elements, 6 papers and an awesome png tube of ©Goldwasser.
You can purchaise it here
PFD: https://picsfordesign.com/en/catalogue/id_165052_patty_s_beer.pix?fbclid=IwAR1d5-x_0iyLUnlS6pnyP_Ss3kBM-4o5MTJ9b5DqCyCB1KhTKilnZD2oO3g
ADU: https://store.alldolledupstore.com/index.php?fbclid=IwAR3SRdcC-w9k1-MKs04O4rUSZpFI3us32Qu5o2pSWEQUrFwykSvwc8PNTY8
ATG: http://allthatglitterzstore.com/index.php…
RAW: https://renderartworld.com/shop/index.php…

ADU: https://store.alldolledupstore.com/index.php?fbclid=IwAR3SRdcC-w9k1-MKs04O4rUSZpFI3us32Qu5o2pSWEQUrFwykSvwc8PNTY8
ATG: http://allthatglitterzstore.com/index.php…
RAW: https://renderartworld.com/shop/index.php…

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